Hosted by Porter Singer: a spiritually-inclined musician, podcaster, and conscious mentor. Porter‘s intention is to beam out a harmonious vibration that gathers lightworkers in collaborative community. She has released ten albums, various singles, and over 50 podcast episodes, all the while nurturing the ”Sensitive Superhero Tribe” on Facebook, where she offers private and group mentorship.

Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
Monday Jul 06, 2020
In this episode of INSPIRED ARTIST PODCAST I am speaking with Ajeet (Siobhán Moore). Ajeet is a world music artist weaving inspiration from traditional Irish folk to mystical and meditative soundscapes. For more on Ajeet and to hear her new releases: https://ajeetmusic.com/
In this conversation Ajeet shares...
- Her disease of "compulsive touring"
- How she keeps vitality in her art
- Becoming a producer/mixer of her own music, what that's like as a woman
- Her latest moon-inspired releases
- How amazing Karan is (CEO of Spirit Voyage)
- Competition between women and the inspiration behind her song "Haseya"
- Her intention to cultivate supportive relationships with other female musicians
- Her new duo Woven Kin
- Etc, etc...
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Today I am speaking with Vibhuti Arya, Pharm.D., MPH, about STRUCTURAL RACISM. Vibhuti is an educator, trainer, speaker, bridging her backgrounds in improv, theatre, and social justice to create brave spaces for conversations around racial and gender equity in pharmacy education and healthcare. She is an Associate Clinical Professor at St. John’s University’s College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. She was recently appointed to assume the helm of worldwide efforts by the Federation of International Pharmacy (FIP) to strengthen and transform systems to provide more gender equity and diversity. Her TEDx Talk is called "Dark Room Methodology: Bringing Light to Structural Racism": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnYE0...
This was a note I got from Vibhuti after our chat, which I thought was important to share: "Also - in reflection of my advocating for being vulnerable to have these discussions - also realizing that part of it is for the white audience. Something to acknowledge is that many communities of color teach kids not to show vulnerability because we have to be strong and survive and don’t have time for that. And so it is structural racism that assigns labels (such as anxious or weak or ‘they can’t handle being in a leadership position) to those who may show vulnerability. Another manifestation of how structural racism (and really a very colonial construct) puts people in categories and assigns them places. So it hurts humanity."

Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Prem Vidu is my guest on this episode of Inspired Artist Podcast. He has just released his first solo album called "Encounter: Medicine Songs from Ma." He is a Phoenix based sacred music artist. Originally from Waukesha, Wisconsin. Blessed to be raised by musical parents and having grown up on the sweet sounds of barbershop and dominant 7 chords. He combines a decade of leading medicine ceremonies, a decade of chanting, and a lifetime of musical experience which he channels all into facilitating sacred music gatherings. He currently leads the project, "The Band of Now," which is known for facilitating kirtans in the Phoenix Valley and beyond. More info: https://www.premvidu.com/
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Shervin Boloorian - BRIDGING OPPOSITES
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
In this episode I'm speaking with sound healer/singer-songwriter Shervin Boloorian. Shervin is Founder of Sound Healing Bali and a graduate of Tama-Do (Way of the Soul) sound and color therapist. Shervin is also the CoFounder of Bali Sound Healers Collective, the world’s first community of sound healers . Currently based in Ubud, Shervin earned his professional credentials from Fabien Maman’s Tama-Do “Way of the Soul” Academy (started in 1988), holds a Masters Degree, is trained in urban shamanism, is a passionate lifelong vocalist, songwriter and multi-instrumental musician. The kicker is that he started out in POLITICS and turned down a high profile job at Green Peace to live the slower-paced and more peaceful life he desired. More info on Shervin: http://soundhealingbali.com/
Contact him:Soundhealingbali@gmail.com
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Jens Jarvie is a passionate kirtan artist. His chanting, kirtans and original conscious lyrics will inspire you to take flight in the vastness of the heart. His songs invoke healing and transformation, inviting you on a journey of depth and transcendence. Jens’ music is about celebration, embodiment and remembrance. You will feel calm just talking to this gentle human. Some links to connect with Jens...
BANDCAMP: https://jensjarvieandtheheartwideopen.bandcamp.com/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6kVHN2lhHm_Tt8-MwaEl4g
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
Thursday May 21, 2020
In this episode I'm speaking with Actress/Medical Student Jules Hartley about how she is processing all of the information coming out of the Kundalini Yoga and 3HO communities. For some background on why we are having this conversation, you can listen to the episodes I've done with Matthew Remski, GuruGanesha, and Nadine Stellavota Brown. This is the video Jules I refer to in the beginning, that Jules made as a response to the "Shit __(insert group here)__ Say" craze that was going on a few years ago on YouTube: https://youtu.be/zHzM9p8vWow
A quote Jules shared with me after our conversation:
“Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.” -Jamie Anderson
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
In this episode of the podcast, I am speaking with Nadine Stellavato Brown, a graphic designer living in Washington state. Nadine grew up in 3HO, a community created by Yogi Bhajan and his followers. She speaks about the trauma she experienced being sent away from her parents at 2 years of age, being underfed and abused in India, being groped by Yogi Bhajan as a young woman, and her eventual decision to "take off her turban" and leave the organization. I am so honored to have her share her story on the podcast, and lend her voice to a chorus of truth coming forth from this community.
Nadine's Written Testimonial:
"I’m Nadine (Hari Kaur) the daughter of Richard Lasser (MSS Baba Singh) and Andrea Opalenik (SS Krishan Kaur).
This is my story.
At two years old my parents became Sikhs. The same year I was sent to live in the D.C. Ashram. I lived in various Ashrams and was part of the first kids sent to India from ages 2-16. This alone is riddled with so much anguish and grief in my life and yet was not the worst.
At 16 I insisted I move home - and attended a western school.
In 1990 I graduated high school and was asked by the Yogi Ji (SSS) to take a year off to work at the Secretariat.
All I really wanted at the time was to go to college, to spread my wings. I knew at a young age Sikhism was not for me. Yet, I dutifully listened to the master my parents picked.
I was told to work under MSS Nirinjan Kaur, one of his secretaries. She immediately starts to “groom” me. She would frequently ask, “If SSS asked you to work full time as a secretary, would you consider not going to college?”
One of my many duties was to “clean his room” and set it up for sleeping. They were clear with me who took care of him at night with the implication I could be called to do the same soon.
Many nights I would be with SSS and his “Entourage” at Dr Allen’s house. One night he called my father and me into the back room. He started to yell at me, that I was a slut, was I even a virgin? He said that a kid I grew up with, told him I was a flirt. And yogi did not believe my answers. I was devastated.
A second time, again at Dr. Allen’s house, the yogi again called my father and me into the back room. This time to compliment a certain dress I had on. He told me the dress was “sexy” and I was to only wear that style from then on, he proceeded to push money into my hand to buy more.
Finally, in the late fall of 1990, I was at Dr. Allen’s cleaning SSSs room. He came across me. He made me stand up, asked me to twirl around, then he proceeded to put both of his hand on my breast, he squeezed them. He turned me around and did the same to my butt. I was scared, we were alone. I was mortified. He said, “You are almost ready, and turning out very nicely.”
As soon as I could I ran home.
I told my dad what happened. That I would never go back. Because he had been in the room the previous two encounters, he believed me.
But it did not end there.
When the SSS found out I would not got back, he asked my parents to disown me. He harassed me, he harassed my parents. He got kids I grew up with to call me, ask me not to go.
In December of 1990 we all took off our turbans.
You have to understand my dad was the first student to put on a turban. He was devoted he and the community never thought this would happen. Now everyone knows, he stood by his daughter.
And.... I was lucky, I still had my family. I not only had my mother and father, but I also had and still have my lovely god-parents Sat Shakti Singh and Andrea Khalsa (Sat Shakti Kaur) and Akasha Richmond, who was and still is my saving grace. There are so many who never had that support.
I believe all the stories, I respect all those who share and those who cannot. The pain and shame are real."
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
In this episode you get to hear me, a coach, being coached. I have been working with Gary Temple Bodley for over a year now. I have his work so much that I now coach for his "Unlimited Abundance Bootcamp" -- an 8 week program where we learn to pinpoint and process limiting beliefs as they are coming up in our daily life. By the end of the process you will want to take it again (and most people do), because once you're "in", you are free to take it as many times as you care to. I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did. We are talking about some resistance I was experiencing about teaching a mantra class to an online Kundalini Yoga school in Russia.
Note: I translate the word "Namo" as having to do with identity. "Namo" is actually an acknowledgment or recognition (often translated as "I bow to..."). One way to translate "Ong Namo Gurudev Namo", the mantra we are discussing, is "I focus my consciousness and choose to recognize my loving guides, the wisdom within me."
More info on Gary Temple Bodley: https://theteachingsofjoshua.com/
"Joshua Live" Podcast: https://joshualive.podbean.com
"Law of Attraction Roundtable" Podcast: https://theteachingsofjoshua.podbean.com
For more info on the Bootcamp email me: info@sirgunkaur.com
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Andi Flax is back to talk about ASTROLOGY this time. We are going through an epic time of change, and the "music of the spheres" can give us greater insight and understanding: as above, so below. Stay tuned until the end to hear a snippet of Andi's soulful & astrologically-informed track "Professor Saturn"! Andi is committed to the idea of life as a piece of art, and lives in service to humanity through the expression of her music and feels both honored and privileged to be able to pass on these beautiful and sacred teachings of Kundalini yoga and Naad Yoga (the yoga of sound/mantra) She currently resides in Newport Rhode Island, and is a kundalini yoga teacher, birth and postpartum doula, and a second degree reiki practitioner. More info on Andi: https://www.andiflax.com/
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Today's conversation is all about PARENTING! This is such an important conversation to be having and really brainstorming about right now in the time of quarantine, where we are probably spending a lot more time with our kids than we are used to. Emily Quandt is leads a community called FREE TO LEARN, where she empowers children and teens through natural learning. As a child Emily was privileged to spend the majority of her time practicing what the Alliance for Self-Directed Education calls the six pillars of self-directed education: her social strata expected that she was responsible for her own education; she was given almost completely unlimited time to play, explore and pursue her own interests; she had the opportunity to play with the tools of her culture; she had access to a variety of caring adults who were helpers, not judges; regular free age-mixing between children, and adolescents; and she was immersed in a stable, supportive, respectful community. More info on FREE TO LEARN COMMUNITY: http://freetolearncommunity.com/
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
GuruGanesha is my guest in this episode and we are talking more about 3HO culture within the context of the abuse stories coming to light around Yogi Bhajan--the "spiritual teacher" who founded what we know as "Kundalini Yoga". GuruGanesha, a child of the ‘60s, grew up in a world where social expression and musical boundaries were confined to a very rigid set of rules that the 1950’s America dictated. Then one day that all changed: It was in 1964 that the Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time, and the world was never the same. He knew right away what his life long calling would be and then set out across the country armed with a guitar and a vision to touch people’s souls with sound and love. For more info: https://www.guruganeshaband.com/
FULL LETTER FROM SAT PAVAN (one of the many women who have come forth to share their stories of being abused by Yogi Bhajan):
I am one of the victims. I did not say anything for 28 years because I thought it was a "test". I thought having me watch porn three nights a week when I was 17 was really testing me to not be so innocent as he always said I was. I thought when I was alone with him at night in his room for night duty when I was 18 and he asked me to get in bed with him and make out with him and that all his "wives" do this it was a test. As I shook, terrified, as my heart beat out of my chest as tears burned my eyes and I repeatedly said no it was a test and when I left his room I thought if I told anyone he would be destroyed. I couldn't believe he trusted me with this secret. He offered me money, shopping sprees, fancy trips. I turned it down telling him I just wanted to serve the Guru. I thought he was a holy man, a Sikh of the Guru and if I said anything all the good he had done would be destroyed so I hid it. I stuffed it away. It haunted me for years. I told myself that it was an isolated incident and nothing happened. On the day before my wedding, asking for his Blessing he refused to give it saying I betrayed him in choosing Sarib and I could have had him. I remained loyal, I danced at events, I traveled and played Kirtan and even as he tormented me for years and pressured Sarib and I to not go to school, to work in the businesses and not do anything else, I said to myself he has our best interests in mind.
I validate the women. I am one. I stayed. I wanted to serve the mission. What mission I ask now? I was angry for so long feeling after all of this he did not keep his promises that Sarib and I would always be taken care of. I directed this anger at every one else, but not him. To find out from other friends that he did similar things to them, but they left because they couldn't separate him from being a Sikh and their loyalty to be a Sikh was not strong. They are not crazy. This was not ok. It took Sarib asking me a question two weeks ago if I would be ok with these events happening to Jivan Jot, who is the same age as I was. It woke me from denial. No! I saw everything clear in that moment. Sarib has known these things for years but has patiently waited for and hoped I would realize what was done to me, how he continued to abuse me for marrying Sarib, disparaging Sarib to me, because I was the one who got away, but was still around in the community. And still I did not want to destroy people's lives. One of my friends said the reason she did not come forward was because she thought no one would believe her. I did not come forward because I thought everyone would believe me and the weight of hurting so many people weighed on me. I cannot hide. I cannot keep silent. I am a Sikh. He does not get that. I will dance, I will play Kirtan, I will hold my head up. I am the daughter of Guru Gobind Singh. I am part of 25 million strong. I am a survivor of mental, emotional, psychological and sexual abuse. He owns that abuse.
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
In this episode I am cross-podcasting with my friend Justin Land who interviewed me for his podcast Philosovibe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOEKnOHb1zuO-EDyzpV2oA. He was curious about my choice to change my name back to Porter Singer, and I wanted to make this into a podcast too, so here we are. The change is official on my podcast as of NOW!
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Lisa Sharpe is my guest on this episode of Inspired Artist Podcast! Lisa is an intuitive artist who has been involved in the world of Art and Design for over 25 years; her artistic practice is about expressing energy and emotions through paintings and 3D artworks, making what's not physical, physical. She has had a life-long affinity with art and an intuitive understanding of its power to uplift and connect. Much of her work is informed by her own writing and her interest in exploring vibrational energy and the law of attraction. In this episode we discuss:
- Law of attraction
- Teachings of Joshua and Abraham
- High vibrational painting materials
- The important of allowing art vs. trying to control the process
- Emotions
- Coronavirus and how it has affected her productivity
- Working with children and the arts
- Coming Soon: "Clarity Cards"
Lisa's website: https://lisasharpeart.com/ and IG: https://www.instagram.com/lisasharpeart/
Sirgun Kaur is a Sacred Songstress and Spiritual Coach who helps sensitive people focus their thoughts and become the spiritual teachers they came here to be. She has released seven albums and a variety of singles. For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
What do cult leaders have in common with ice cream vendors? You're about to find out. Bill is a masterful communicator and mediator. He has been called a dynamic thought leader in the integration of Emotional Intelligence & Thinking Styles Technology by providing content rich presentations that move audiences in a impactful way. In this episode, Bill discusses choices, needs, and freedom, in the context of the relationship between Yogi Bhajan and his students.If you're looking for an intelligent perspective on the debacle going on in the Kundalini Yoga world right now, you will find this illuminating. You will also get a sense of what home life for me is like right now, as my oldest joins us on the podcast! For some background, please listen to the episode with Matthew Remski "Situationally Vulnerable." For more info on Bill, or to schedule an appointment you can call or text: 310-433-8380, or visit his website: https://www.billstierle.com/
Sirgun Kaur is a Sacred Songstress and Spiritual Coach who helps sensitive people focus their thoughts and become the spiritual teachers they came here to be. She has released seven albums and a variety of singles. For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Here he is again: Matthew Remski PART TWO! Listen to the first episode we did together ("Situationally Vulnerable") for a more context. Matthew is a cult survivor and researcher, yoga teacher and ayurvedic practitioner. In this episode, we discuss MOVING FORWARD with all the new information coming out about Kundalini Yoga and Yogi Bhajan... where do we go from here? Matthew offered some really helpful resources and advice. He is the author of Practice and All Is Coming: Abuse, Cult Dynamics, and Healing in Yoga and Beyond, available here: http://matthewremski.com/wordpress/books/wawadia-main/ For more info on Matthew: http://matthewremski.com/
Sirgun Kaur is a Sacred Songstress and Spiritual Coach who helps sensitive people focus their thoughts and become the spiritual teachers they came here to be. She has released seven albums and a variety of singles. For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com