Hosted by Porter Singer: a spiritually-inclined musician, podcaster, and conscious mentor. Porter‘s intention is to beam out a harmonious vibration that gathers lightworkers in collaborative community. She has released ten albums, various singles, and over 50 podcast episodes, all the while nurturing the ”Sensitive Superhero Tribe” on Facebook, where she offers private and group mentorship.

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
This episode is all about experiencing life as an amazing adventure, and ourselves as intrepid explorers of reality.
Today, Porter Singer & Songs of Eden release "Life Is an Adventure" into the world -- a song that was inspired by the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle Deck created by Nina Mongendre and EdieArt. In this eighth episode of this 10-episode series, Porter will discuss the QUEST card that inspired "Life Is an Adventure".
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday May 12, 2023
DESIRE & SAFETY - Porter Singer, Nina Mongendre and EdieArt
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
This episode is all about SAFETY & SACRED DESIRE. Feeling safe and feeling worthy are two very important components of having an enjoyable life. Find out why in this podcast.
Today, Porter Singer & Songs of Eden release "Safe & Sound" into the world -- a song that was inspired by the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle Deck created by Nina Mongendre and EdieArt. In the sixth & seventh (combined) episode of this 10-episode series, Porter, Nina, and Edie, will discuss the SACRED DESIRE and SAFETY cards, which inspired "Yes!" and "Safe & Sound" (respectively).
Nina has B.A. from Brown University (like Porter!). She is trained in Family Constellations (with Marine Selenee and Jack Blackwell) and Inherited Family Trauma (with Mark Wolynn). She is a certified Neuro-Emotional Coach with the Center for Emotional Education, a Certified Hypno-Constellations Practitioner, and a Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner with the Four Winds Institute.
Edie's words about her art: The process of painting as with music is about flow. Of not believing that mistakes exist. Any move is part of the whole and the creation. It requires a great amount of trust. And diligent work/practice! Art in whichever form is a daily practice for me most of the time. I absolutely love it.
Listen to "Yes!" here:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDTOcozAlcU
Buy the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle deck: https://sagemoon.com/?rfsn=1754610.9f...
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Apr 28, 2023
HAVE YOU EVER FELT ABANDONED? with Porter Singer, Nina Mongendre and EdieArt
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
Have you ever felt abandoned by someone you loved? This episode is all about soothing our inner child in those times we feel, or have felt, abandoned.
Today, Porter Singer & Songs of Eden release "Never Alone" into the world -- a song that was inspired by the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle Deck created by Nina Mongendre and EdieArt. In the fifth of this 10-episode series, Porter, Nina, and Edie, will discuss the ABANDONMENT card, which inspired "Never Alone."
Nina has B.A. from Brown University (like Porter!). She is trained in Family Constellations (with Marine Selenee and Jack Blackwell) and Inherited Family Trauma (with Mark Wolynn). She is a certified Neuro-Emotional Coach with the Center for Emotional Education, a Certified Hypno-Constellations Practitioner, and a Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner with the Four Winds Institute.
Edie's words about her art: The process of painting as with music is about flow. Of not believing that mistakes exist. Any move is part of the whole and the creation. It requires a great amount of trust. And diligent work/practice! Art in whichever form is a daily practice for me most of the time. I absolutely love it.
Listen to "I Am in Awe" here: https://youtu.be/ia00tgJQceQ
Buy the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle deck: https://sagemoon.com/?rfsn=1754610.9fe2b6
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Apr 21, 2023
HOW TO BECOME AN ALCHEMIST with Porter Singer, Nina Mongendre and EdieArt
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Do you consider yourself a powerful alchemist? Here's how to become an alchemist IRL!
Today, Porter Singer & Songs of Eden release "My Life Is Gold" into the world -- a song that was inspired by the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle Deck created by Nina Mongendre and EdieArt. In the third of this 10-episode series, Porter, Nina, and Edie, will discuss the ALCHEMY CARD, which inspired "My Life Is Gold."
Nina has B.A. from Brown University (like Porter!). She is trained in Family Constellations (with Marine Selenee and Jack Blackwell) and Inherited Family Trauma (with Mark Wolynn). She is a certified Neuro-Emotional Coach with the Center for Emotional Education, a Certified Hypno-Constellations Practitioner, and a Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner with the Four Winds Institute.
Edie's words about her art: The process of painting as with music is about flow. Of not believing that mistakes exist. Any move is part of the whole and the creation. It requires a great amount of trust. And diligent work/practice! Art in whichever form is a daily practice for me most of the time. I absolutely love it.
Listen to "I Am in Awe" here: https://youtu.be/ia00tgJQceQ
Buy the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle deck: https://sagemoon.com/?rfsn=1754610.9fe2b6
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Thursday Apr 13, 2023
I AM IN AWE - AN INNER CHILD CHAT with Porter Singer, Nina Mongendre and EdieArt
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Thursday Apr 13, 2023
Today, Porter Singer & Songs of Eden release "I Am in Awe" into the world -- a song that was inspired by the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle Deck created by Nina Mongendre and EdieArt. In the second of this 10-episode series), Porter, Nina, and Edie, will discuss the AWE CARD, which inspired "I Am in Awe."
What does it feel like to experience awe?
Nina has B.A. from Brown University (like Porter!). She is trained in Family Constellations (with Marine Selenee and Jack Blackwell) and Inherited Family Trauma (with Mark Wolynn). She is a certified Neuro-Emotional Coach with the Center for Emotional Education, a Certified Hypno-Constellations Practitioner, and a Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner with the Four Winds Institute.
Edie's words about her art: The process of painting as with music is about flow. Of not believing that mistakes exist. Any move is part of the whole and the creation. It requires a great amount of trust. And diligent work/practice! Art in whichever form is a daily practice for me most of the time. I absolutely love it.
Listen to "I Am in Awe" here: https://youtu.be/ia00tgJQceQ
Buy the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle deck: https://sagemoon.com/?rfsn=1754610.9fe2b6
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Today, Porter Singer & Songs of Eden release "I Am the Love (Jai Ma)" into the world -- a song that was inspired by the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle Deck created by Nina Mongendre and EdieArt. In the first of this 10-episode series (starting today!), Porter, Nina, and Edie, will discuss the MOTHER CARD, which inspired "I Am the Love (Jai Ma)."
What does it mean to heal your relationship to your mother?
Nina has B.A. from Brown University (like Porter!). She is trained in Family Constellations (with Marine Selenee and Jack Blackwell) and Inherited Family Trauma (with Mark Wolynn). She is a certified Neuro-Emotional Coach with the Center for Emotional Education, a Certified Hypno-Constellations Practitioner, and a Certified Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner with the Four Winds Institute.
Edie's words about her art: The process of painting as with music is about flow. Of not believing that mistakes exist. Any move is part of the whole and the creation. It requires a great amount of trust. And diligent work/practice! Art in whichever form is a daily practice for me most of the time. I absolutely love it.
Listen to "I Am the Love (Jai Ma)" here: https://orcd.co/iamthelove
Buy the Inner Child & Beyond Oracle deck: https://sagemoon.com/?rfsn=1754610.9fe2b6
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
DTO is an award-winning music producer, designing inspirational music that raises the vibrations of the planet. DTO kicked off his career with a spark with his remix of “Love Me” by Grammy-nominated producer, StoneBridge. DTO followed up with Nameless Energy, a yoga soundtrack recognized by Deepak Chopra for the kirtan project “Jai Ram” ft. Tara Devi. Nameless Energy is a music playlist guiding yoga instructors and students through a 60-minute yoga class. This album has integrated into the yoga world as an inspiring, healing, and transformational musical journey.
DTO launched his 2nd album, Infinite Energy with 7 songs for 7 chakras. Featuring seven global artists singing in Sanskrit, English, Spanish, and Italian. Vocalists on Infinite Energy include Anne-Tyler, Kiyoshi, Sita Rose, Sabrina Sapal, Tamara Rodriguez, Hemalayaa, Emma Grace, and Andrea Sáenz. Infinite Energy is the second in a trilogy of albums dedicated to Energy. Radiant Energy was launched 11.11.2019 in honor of the 5 Koshas and Veteran’s Day.
DTO is passionate about creating unique multi-sensory experiences through music designed to elevate human consciousness and give back to our global communities through his work with non-profits. DTO performs his live yoga music internationally with world-renowned yogis and yoginis, including Hemalayaa and Cristi Christensen. Find, play, and share DTO’s breathtaking and awe-inspiring music on Spotify, iTunes, Soundcloud, and Bandcamp. Fans may follow DTO on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
For more information, visit https://dtomusic.com
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Rachel Chase & Diane Khalsa - QUANTUM SPIRIT
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
Tuesday Mar 28, 2023
This summer, yoga teachers and therapists Rachel Chase and Diane Khalsa are co-facilitating a four-day healing immersion in Sedona Arizona called Quantum Spirit ~ Healing Beyond Time and Space. It takes place in the beautiful Sedona Creative Life Center daily June 3rd through 6th, 2023. Each day Rachel and Diane will guide you in deepening your connection with your soul-self through conscious breathwork, yin yoga, deep rest, self-reflection, sound healing, art therapy, meditation, ecstatic dance, somatic processing, qi gong, journaling, and time in nature together.
The fee for this immersion is just $750. To find out more and get a spot at this blissful and inspiring retreat, email rachel@rachelchase.com
Rachel Chase is an integrative healer, counselor, coach, and guide. She has taught various forms of visual and performing arts for over 30 years. Rachel sees life as a sacred practice and loves to inspire others to awaken their spirit through play, compassion, and self-expression. Her experience as a mindfulness-focused, trauma-informed mental health counselor inspired her to create an online healing and coaching business in 2020. She has trained extensively in various forms of yoga and meditation for over 20 years and is also a reiki master teacher since 2010. Recently she has created an online course called REPLENISH for sensitive spiritual creatives and healers. It is a step-by-step journey that helps empaths like you recover from energy depletion, burn out, and over-giving. Since 2019, Rachel has been deepening her mastery as a quantum healing practitioner, using QHHT and BQH as templates for her unique integrative quantum hypnosis healing process. More Info: Rachel at RachelChase.com.
Diane Khalsa, MA, Breathwork Facilitator, Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Energy Worker, Occupational Therapy Practitioner.
Diane is a special friend to Porter; they raised their children together in the Phoenix kundalini yoga ashram community for several years where they became close friends. She has also been a student of all things spiritual for as long as she can remember. Since 2002, she has completed 5 yoga teacher certifications, 2 massage therapy certifications, 2 energy healer apprenticeships and a breathwork facilitator apprenticeship. Additionally, she works in occupational therapy, owns her own pediatric therapy business, and directs an occupational therapy bachelor’s program at a local university in Phoenix. She is passionate about all of it, and actively teaches and practices both occupational therapy and yoga, practices massage therapy, and facilitates individual and group breathwork experiences where she incorporates energy healing.
When she isn’t working or doing yoga, she enjoys spending time with her two amazing teenagers, Charlie and Katie, and their sweet beloved dog Louie. She is excited to join her longtime yogi-artist-healer friend, Rachel Chase, at the Sedona Retreat on June 3-6th to hold space for all the beautiful beings that show up for the Quantum Spirit Healing Retreat to facilitate and witness all the incredible healing and creativity that will certainly emerge there.
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Megan is a yoga teacher, writer, artist and mom to two daughters who has been practicing yoga for 20+ years. Her first book, The End of Me was published in 2019 and is an autobiographical memoir about the three times she has died, what she saw and what she learned.
After graduating from the University of Toronto with a degree in Art and Art History in 2009, she moved to San Francisco, completing her MFA in Photography at the San Francisco Art Institute in 2012, and then in 2013, she moved to California full-time. In 2020, she launched the podcast, MYA ~ My Yoga Audio, to bring audio-only yoga practice, meditation, creativity and wellness-oriented interviews to listeners all over the world.
Currently, Megan is enjoying being an empty nester, continuously learning about unconditional love through her dogs Freddi and Frida and her husband Richard and is working on her next book (s), teaching community yoga classes for special events and always looking to work on her next arts and/or wellness-focused projects.
More Info:
Podcast IG: @my.yoga.audio
Personal IG: @luvinthislife
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Entheo means Spirit Within, and Theo is here to create music that supports and reflects on the modern day human's experience of awakening, healing and integration. Entheo's message is one of empowerment, worth and possibility. Drawing from indigenous wisdom, ancient philosophy and his own experiences with plant spirit ceremonies, meditation and personal transformation, Theo's songs are devotional in their essence, but contemporary in their sound.
Theo has been writing, recording and producing ambient, downtempo, and acoustic music for over a decade now and is just now emerging from a cocoon of transformation, ready to serve the good of the whole in a bigger way.
Over the last 10 years he's self produced and released 10+ albums and several remixes and singles. His collaborations include artists like Phutureprimitive, Equanimous, DJ Taz Rashid and Marya Stark and will continue pushing the boundaries of his creativity and expressing his transformational process through musical collaboration, and co-creation.
More info on Entheo: https://biglink.to/-TheoGrace-
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Miker Pauker is a devotional rock artist and the founder of Beautiful Way Records. TIME Magazine has described Pauker as one of "The 10 Stars Of The New Jewish Music.”
Pauker has shared the stage with artists including: Matisyahu, Rebelution, Stephen Marley, Dovavon Frankenreiter, Ayla Nereo, The Polish Ambassador, Trevor Hall, Mike Love and others. Notable performance highlights include Red Rocks, Envison, ARISE, Hullaween, Cali World Fest, Electric Forest, Beloved, Bhakti Fest, and Chant 4 Change on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
For the past 9 years Mikey has served as music faculty at the National Songleader Boot Camp Conference teaching classes on spiritual embodied practice, music business strategy, and artist development.
More info: https://mikeypauker.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mikeypauker/
Petition to include Jewish Music Category: https://www.change.org/p/create-a-jewish-music-category-at-the-grammy-awards
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
This is my second episode with Brenda McMorrow! I'm so happy to have her back on the podcast. Brenda is a singer/songwriter, chant artist, and workshop/retreat facilitator whose greatest calling is to share experiences that support the opening of both the mind and the heart.
Brenda is known for her unique and warmly embracing style of mantra music, in which she blends elements of acoustic folk, world rhythms and ancient Indian chants with a sweetly introspective singer-songwriter’s sensibility. Yoga Journal describes Brenda as having “a knack for expressing the deepest realizations in the sparsest lyrics”. As spiritual teacher Ram Dass has said: “Brenda has a gift”, and with 5 celebrated albums and numerous singles, her music has been touching people’s hearts across the planet (with over 13 million streams on Spotify alone). In addition to being a recording and world touring musician, Brenda McMorrow has degrees in both English Literature and Education; is a Registered Yoga Teacher and Enlightenment Intensive Facilitator (“Who Am I” Dyad Self Inquiry); and is a student and practitioner of Advaita Vedanta (Non-Duality) and Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Love and Devotion). Brenda's mission is to help bring more peace, understanding and well-being to the world by supporting individuals in realizing their True Nature.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/mcmorrowbrenda/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/brendamcmorrowkirtan/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5ngrfMM3XlnPegLP67C7M7
Kirtan at Ram Dass' House on Maui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q99ba_RK65g
Coca Cola Documentary mentioned in our conversation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q99ba_RK65g
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
In this episode I, Porter Singer, am the inspired artist! I had such a transformational time in New Zealand (as I did the first time... I get into that too!).
Topics I delve into:
--How my perspective on a place transforms my experience of it & my past perspective on New Zealand -
-How much I can resist change, and how grateful I am when I stop resisting
--Finding inspiration in contrast
--Creating a new pattern of finding inspiration in love
--The power of mantra (Om Namah Shivaya)
--We don't need to go backwards to heal
I also mention Kirbanu in this episode, and Jai-Jagdeesh briefly. Hi there!
If you have feedback on the episode, post it in the comments below or message me via portersinger.com
Love, Porter
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Savannah-based, Maryland-born Nick Bulka is a multi-instrumentalist producer inspired by classical, rock and electronic music. His album Teas is a collection of meditative experiences to calm your soul.
More info:
IG: @nicholasbulka
Email: nicholasbulka@gmail.com
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/

Friday Feb 10, 2023
Lindsay Müller - SELF-LOVE JOURNEY
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Friday Feb 10, 2023
Lindsay Müller creates "Positive Songs For Kids and Adults" that uplift, heal and inspire.
Originally from a small town in Ontario, Canada, Lindsay now lives on the island of Florianópolis, Brazil with her husband and two sons.
Lindsay started writing songs in 2016 when her boys were 2 and 4 years old. She was inspired to create positive, empowering music that would help her sons develop self love, confidence, kindness, gratitude, and respect for Mother Earth.
Lindsay didn't think of herself as a songwriter or musician when she started out. Her first album, "You Are Amazing", began as a fun side project. During the recording process, she discovered that writing positive, meaningful songs for children was her passion and calling.
Her songs "Grateful Heart" and "Hi Hey Hello" from her second album, "Love is Everywhere", went viral on social media in 2022. Over 100,000 Instagram Reels, TikToks and YouTube Shorts have been made with Lindsay's songs by people all over the world.
More Info: https://lindsaymuller.com/
Porter Singer is music-maker, podcaster and emotional guide. More info: https://portersinger.com/