Hosted by Porter Singer: a spiritually-inclined musician, podcaster, and conscious mentor. Porter‘s intention is to beam out a harmonious vibration that gathers lightworkers in collaborative community. She has released ten albums, various singles, and over 50 podcast episodes, all the while nurturing the ”Sensitive Superhero Tribe” on Facebook, where she offers private and group mentorship.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Ben Leinbach is an award-winning producer, composer, recording engineer, and multi-instrumentalist. He has produced for, and composed music with: Deva Premal, Jai Uttal, Brenda McMorrow, Prajna Vieira, Johanna Beekman, and many others (sidenote: both Brenda and Johanna have been on this podcast!). In this episode Ben steps into the limelight from behind the scenes, to tell us about his current and past projects, life in the time of covid, and much more. For more info on Ben Leinbach: https://benleinbachmusic.com/
Porter Singer (aka "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
Saturday Oct 10, 2020
My guest on this episode is painter Jeremy Rabus. Jeremy's paintings are composed using an intuitive process of layering and excavating. In this episode we discuss new perspectives on abundance, ranging from how to price yourself as an artist, to a non-transactional approach to making money. We also discuss what it was like for him to start "channeling" his pieces, and his work raising money for a charity called "Friends of Kids with Cancer." For more info on Jeremy Rabus: https://jeremyrabus.com/ - IG: @jrabuspaintings
Porter Singer (aka "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Bachan is a Canadian artist who lives to inspire the spread of healing, wholeness, joy and liberation through music and art. She is a unique voice, channeling lifetimes of spiritual devotion through her creative passion for dance, electronic and world music. Bachan's sound weaves heaven & earth, self & collective, stillness & expression, past, present and future ... with love. For more info on Bachan: https://www.huemanbeing.com/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Thursday Oct 01, 2020
Mareesa Sterz is my guest in this episode. I met Mareeza at Bhakti Fest, where she took some epic photos of me (I do not generally enjoy being photographed), and told me about an esoteric society in Northern Italy, whose people and practices she had been filming. Mareesa travels the worlds telling many intriguing tales. Recently, she completed a documentary series on psychedelics, "The Healing Powers", available here: http://thehealingpowers.com/ For more news on psychelics check out: https://www.lucid.news/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In this episode I was speaking with DJ Taz Rashid. We talk about his childhood, his musical ventures, cancelling his tour due to world events, and lots more! DJ Taz Rashid brings a high vibrational energy to any room instantly by mixing the beats and rhythms of Love, Ancient New World, House, Devotional, and all the cosmic sounds. His vision is to be a channel to cause the expansion of all those around by tapping into the creative wisdom of the body and allowing them to feel, let go and awaken. For more info on Taz, including info on his royalty-free yoga music library: https://www.djtazrashid.com/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Oshri Hakak - #JOYFOIL
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
This is a podcast episode on a mission to create joy! Oshri Hakak and I have a challenge for y'all to create a #joyfoil creature in your home and place it somewhere in your neighborhood for people to enjoy. Oshri has been on the podcast before. He is an English Horn player, as well as the author of the children's book "Draw-Wings" (available many places including here: https://www.amazon.com/Draw-Wings-Oshri-Hakak-ebook/dp/B088QM3KWC), the creator of NaamNom vegan carob bars (https://www.naamnom.com/), and now... an installation artist all over Los Angeles, CA. Let us know you've done it by using the hashtag #joyfoil
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
This episode I am with Harmony Polo! Harmony was born and raised in the humble mid-west of the U.S. For the past years, Harmony has had many “lives.” She lived a big and fast life between NYC and LA as a celebrity hairstylist before life took her on another path, the path of transformation. At the age of 33 at her career high, she hit her spiritual low. She had no choice but to listen to her inner calling to “find herself” and this meant she was to liquidate her life in L.A. and devote her life to self discovery. For more info on Harmony - https://www.harmonypolo.com/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Daniel Higuera (Jai Jot Singh) - EVER-INCREASING COMPLEXITY
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
In this episode Daniel Higuera (aka Jai Jot Singh) talks to me about his epic journey that began is 2017--when he discovered he had a brain-tumor. This conversations is just amazing to me because he speaks to so many things that go on for us "spiritual folk"... the blind spots we all have in our awareness of self. I know you are going to be inspired by Daniel's courage, heart-centered awareness, and clarity. Towards the end Daniels asks me about changing my name back to Porter, so we chat a little about following spiritual rules vs. finding out what's right for our own self in the moment.
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Ashana is my guest on the podcast! Evolving from deep self-exploration, Ashana's style is truly eclectic. From her haunting rendition of the Lord’s Prayer in the original Aramaic, to a Sufi chant, Latin verse, Gaelic song and Eastern mantra and improvised ambient sound, Ashana blends Western and ethnic instruments with the unique drone of the crystal singing bowls to create the ultimate transcendent music for healing, relaxation and meditation.
With producer, Thomas Barquee (Snatam Kaur, Seal), Ashana has received wide-spread, international acclaim for her CD recordings All Is Forgiven, Jewels of Silence, Beloved, The Infinite Heart and The Illuminated Path, (featured on Spirit Voyage’s “Meditations for Transformation” series). Her ground-breaking CD, River of Light was the first album featuring kundalini yoga mantra with the crystal singing bowls and was selected for the first round of Grammy Nominated albums in the 2014 World Music category.
More info on Ashana and sign up for newsletter: https://www.soundofashana.com/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Mike Tamburo... one more time! Because I love chatting with Mike so much, I invited him to be on the 'cast again. In this one we discuss musician life post-Coronavirus shutdowns, building instruments, the role of silence in music-making, online offerings he's involved in, living in a basement... and so much more!
For more info on Mike Tamburo: https://soundseternal.com/
Online Course is DIG DEEPER: https://digdeepersound.com/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Wednesday Aug 05, 2020
Performing an atmospheric blend of eclectic, old soul, jazz & blues, Nicole Stromsoe's voice has been described as nourishing, sensual, and rich in quality. With clarity and presence, she shapes a distinctive experience for her listeners; expressed from a resounding source of emotional intelligence.
Nicole is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music (Boston).
More info: http://www.nicolestromsoe.com/
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
Friday Jul 31, 2020
J Brave is here to touch, move, and inspire others to remember their divine nature. This former counselor for Homeless and At-Risk youth uses his music as a vehicle for service. He is the founder of the internationally renown Hip Hop collective the Luminaries, visionary of Benevolence Festival, and has toured the world spreading messages of peace, love, and unity throughout his travels. His debut solo album "Amethyst" has peeked the ears of global listeners, and the single "Sacred" has gone viral approaching a million video views on Facebook.
For more information on his upcoming Workshop - REMEMBRANCE: Becoming the Alchemist with J Brave & Lotus Grace - an 8-week transformational course to reveal your greatness, learn to express your gifts, ignite your intention, align to your mission, and step into service! REGISTER at JBrave.net IG: @WeAreRemembrance
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Jacintha & Emily - KIDS AND SCREENS
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
Tuesday Jul 21, 2020
In this episode we have a three-way conversation about kids and SCREENS. A very timely topic considering the times we are living in, the access our children have, and well... just because there are so many different opinions on this topic.
Jacintha Dicken and Emily Quandt, are both homeschooling mamas. Emily is the creator of the "Free to Learn" community and the last podcast I did with her (#35 - "Self-Preservation and Parenting") is a great addendum to this conversation. She is a parenting ninja y'all.
Alright, enjoy!
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://portersinger.com

Monday Jul 13, 2020
Emily Perry - THE PIVOT
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Monday Jul 13, 2020
Emily Perry is joining me on Inspired Artist Podcast in this episode. Emily is an inspirational teacher and speaker. She is the host of "Rock Your Purpose" podcast, as well as the creator of the LIVEAWAKE COLLECTIVE. In this episode we discuss yoga in the time of Covid, the great "softening" that is occuring right now, the resiliency of kids, her journey with yoga and Chinese Medicine, what it means to be living your Dharma, and much more. For more info on Emily Perry: Emilyperry.com AND Liveawakecollective.com
Porter Singer (aka as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com

Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
In this episode I'm speaking with one of my coaches, Brigette Patton. Brigette is the founder of Soul Massages and creator of Soul Embodied Leadership. She is a courageous pioneer that has stepped fully into the Soul Embodiment process and desires to share the gift of Spirit with the world. She feels it is her responsibility to assist in the expansion of human consciousness through her words that have been channeled from the Divine. Her journey began with a deep rooted connection to horses that led her to an evolved understanding of what energy, Spirit and the Universe have in common here on earth. She joyously communicates each message that Source places on her heart and looks forward to leaving the world a better place than the one she was born into. For her children and all future generations. This world is ours to create together. For more info on Brigette: https://www.soulmassages.com/
BRIGETTE'S BOOK -- "Soul Massage: A Journey of the Spirit" is available here: https://www.amazon.com/Soul-Massages-Journey-Embodiment-Process/dp/1981996257#ace-2093936695
Porter Singer (formerly known as "Sirgun Kaur") is a spiritually-inclined music-maker and personal coach. Her life experiences have taught her that every person has the capacity to be their own greatest teacher. Both her music and her teachings are designed to assist humanity in a gradual shedding of resistance, and an eventual discovery of ease and receptivity—where the joy is! For more info on coaching or events, email info@sirgunkaur.com or visit https://sirgunkaur.com